About Us

Thesis Topics

Available research topics

  1. The effect of exercise on brain function
  2. Effect of physical activity on metabolic syndrome and brain function in genetically selected animals
  3. Exercise and epigenetics
  4. Legal performance enhancing treatments
  5. Exercise and lactic acid
  6. Molecular research of aging
  7. Ageing and epigenetics
  8. Free radicals, antioxidants
  9. Exercise and microbiome

PhD Supervisors

  • Dr. Zsolt Radák, Head, Professor, DSc
  • Dr. Csaba Nyakas, Professor Emeritus, DSc
  • Erika Koltai, Senior Research Fellow

Grants and Sponsors

Grants (application / year / registration number / title / amount won (thousand ft) / applicant)

  1. OTKA / 2000-2003 / 294/200 The effect of regular exercise on repairing oxidative protein and DNA damage. Prevention / 5.000 / Dr. Zsolt Radák
  2. OTKA / 2004-2007 / T 42629 / The effect of regular exercise on the development of different types of cancer / 5.100 / Dr. Zsolt Radák
  3. OTKA / 2009-2012 / K75702 / The role of sirtuins in the aging of skeletal muscle and brain with the molecular adaptation to exercise / 12.938 / Dr. Zsolt Radák
  4. ETT / 2000-2002 / - / The effect of regular exercise on the development of different types of cancer. / 1.800 / Dr. Zsolt Radák
  5. ETT / 2003-2005 / 407/03 / Effects of regular exercise and calorie restriction on memory and oxidative damage / repair in rats with Alzheimer's disease. / 900 / Dr. Zsolt Radák
  6. ETT / 2006-2008 / 472/2006 / The role of nuclear and cytoplasmic proteasoma in the accumulation of oxidative protein damage and cellular regulation associated with aging: The effects of exercise on the brain, heart and skeletal muscle / 2.100 / Dr. Zsolt Radák
  7. TéT / 2004-2006 / JAP/13/02 / A rendszeres mozgás és az oxidatív stressz / 2.171 / Dr. Zsolt Radák
  8. TéT / 2007-2010 / MX-9/2007 / Repair of DNA damage by redox regulation in hypoxia / 1.780 / Dr. Zsolt Radák
  9. MKB Eurokredit Zrt / 2006 / J 304/2006 / Stem cell incorporation into muscle, brain, spinal cord under physical load / 4.100 / Dr. Zsolt Radák
  10. ÖM / 2006-2007 / - / - / 5.621 / Dr. Zsolt Radák
  11. ÖM / 2007-2008 / - / - / 2.500 / Dr. Zsolt Radák
  12. ETT / 2007-2008 / 55117 / Szteroidok hatása az agy öregedésére és a neurodegenerációra / 2.456 / Dr. Csaba Nyakas
  13. ÖM / 2008-2009 / EATV63520 / The effect of the six-month exercise intervention on bone density, motor and anthropometric indices and quality of life in the elderly, and the role of the proteasome in improving exercise-induced brain function and the genetic background of the increase in muscle strength for specific training / 8.000 / Dr. Zsolt Radák
  14. MSTT / 2008 / - / - / 500 / Dr. Zsolt Radák
  15. OMFB (TéT) / 2008 / - / - / 300 / Dr. Zsolt Radák
  16. OMFB (TéT) / 2008 / - / - / 420 / Dr. Csaba Nyakas
  17. TéT / 2008 / - / - / 1.130 / Dr. Csaba Nyakas
  18. ETT / 2009 / 55172 / The effect of obesity and physical activity on brain aging / 100 / Dr. Csaba Nyakas
  19. OMFB (TéT) / 2009 / MX-9/2008 / Repair of DNA damage by redox regulation in hypoxia / 880 / Dr. Zsolt Radák
  20. OMFB (TéT) / 2009 / - / - / 905 / Dr. Csaba Nyakas
  21. TéT / 2009 / IND-25/2006 / Effects of steroids on brain aging and neurodegeneration / 1.900 / Dr. Csaba Nyakas
  22. ETT / 2009-2011 / 55178 / The role of lifestyle in genetically determined myocardial mitochondrial deficiency / 2.400 / Dr. Zsolt Radák
  23. MSTT / 2012 / MSTT/EINT4500115398 / The role of nitric oxide in post-injury muscle regeneration / 300 / Dr. Zsolt Radák
  24. TéT (Japán) / 2011-2013 / K-TÉT_10-1-2011-0038 / Molecular changes and diseases caused by physical activity: the role of sirtuinos / 3.520 / Dr. Zsolt Radák
  25. TÁMOP / 2011-2013 / 4.2.2B/-10/1-2010-0013 / Magister program / 17.620 / Dr. Zsolt Radák
  26. NSCA Grant / 2014-2015  / - / - / 8.427 / Dr. Zsolt Radák
  27. MOB / 2014 / - / - / 1.2 / Dr. Zsolt Radák
  28. OTKA / 2015-2018 / 112810 / The role of physical activity and calorie restriction for protein stability and epigenetics: the role of sirtuins / 29.760 / Dr. Zsolt Radák
  29. OTKA / 2016-2018 / Up-to-date method to improve psychosomatic performance in elderly persons / 9.204 / Dr. Csaba Nyakas
  30. KKP/2018-2023/ The enigma behind the systemic effects of regular exercise: Is it related to VO2max or molecular adaptive pathways?/ 278/ Dr. Zsolt Radák
  31. OTKA/2022-2025/ The effect of exercise on DNA methylation in different organs/36.000/ Dr. Zsolt Radák



  • Csaba Szabó, University of Debrecen >>>
  • Dr. Eddy van der Zee, Prof. Dr. Gertjan van Dijk, Department of Molecular Neurobiology, University of Groningen, The Netherlands >>>
  • Li Li Ji, University of Minnesota, USA
  • Hideaki Soya, University of Tsukuba, Japan >>>
  • Mustafa Atalay, University of Kuopio, Finland >>>
  • Fernando-Gomez Pinilla, UCLA, CA, USA
  • Sataro Goto, Dr. Hisashi Naito, Juntendo University, Japan
  • István Boldog, Department of Microbiology and Immunology, University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston, TX 77555, USA.
  • Steve Britton, Functional Genomics Laboratory, Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI 48109-2200, USA.
  • Mitsuru Higuchi, Waseda University, Japan >>>
  • Katsuhiko Suzuki, Waseda University, Japan >>>
  • Steteve Horvath, UCLA, USA
  • Kelvin J. Davies, South California University, USA
  • Roberto Hirochi Herai, Federal University of São Paulo, Brazil
  • Yaodong Gu, Ningbo University, China
  • Scott Powers, University of Florida, USA


  • Society of Free Radical Biology, (SFRBM)
  • American College of Sport Medicine (ACSM) >>>
  • European College of Sport Science (ECSS) >>>
  • Hungarian Academy of Sciences (MTA) >
  • Hungarian Sports Science Society (MSTT) >>>
  • Hungarian Coaches Association (MET) >>>


Director: Dr. Zsolt Radák, Head, Vice Rector for Science and Innovation, Professor, Doctor of MTA | CV | publications

Researchers / Lecturers

  • Zoltán Bori, Research Fellow | CV | publications
  • Dr. Klára Felszeghy, (retired) Senior Research Fellow
  • Dr. Erika Koltai, Senior Research Fellow | CV | publications
  • Dr. Csaba Nyakas, Professor Emeritus, Doctor of MTA | publications
  • Dr. Téglás Tímea, Research Fellow | CV | publications
  • Dr. Ferenc Torma, Research Fellow | CV | publications
  • Mátyás Jókai, Assistant Research Fellow | CV | publications


  • Zobák Ferencné | Animal caretaker
  • Hajnalka Nyírő | Medical assistant
  • Franciska Fejes | Administrator

PhD students / Candidates

Supervisor: Dr. Zsolt Radák

  • Aczél Dóra Tímea
  • Péter Bakonyi | CV
  • Gergely Bábszky | CV
  • Mátyás Jókai | CV
  • Zsófia Bábszky | CV
  • Soroosh Mozaffaritabar | CV
  • Zhou Lei | CV
  • Kéringer Johanna
  • Horváth Anikó
  • Zhang Jincheng | CV

Supervisor: Dr. Csaba Nyakas

  • Kosik-Sziráki Zsófia
  • Tamás Oroszi

Supervisor: Dr. Koltai Erika

  • Bernadett György | CV
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