Dr. Christopher Spray
Dr. Chris Spray is currently a Reader in Sport and Exercise Psychology at Loughborough University, UK. He formerly worked as a physical education teacher in schools for over ten years. Chris’ research interests focus on motivational processes in PE and youth sport. He has published mainly in the areas of achievement goals, implicit theories of ability (mindsets), and self-determination. He was a former Associate Editor for Psychology of Sport and Exercise and currently serves on the editorial boards of a number of scientific journals. His teaching interests combine psychology and pedagogy.
Prof. Dr. Lee Chee Pheng
Prof. Lee received his Ph.D. in Sports Sciences. He earned his master’s degrees from Semmelweis University, Budapest, Hungary. His bachelors in Sports Science from the Hungarian University of Physical Education, Budapest, Hungary. Pioneered the research on ‘Heart Rate Return’ to safely cease exercise to prevent. Hypo-kaelemia to prevent discomfort, syncope and arrhythmia leading to sudden death. He is an honorary Professor by The Oxford Academic Union, Oxford, U.K. He received the Meritorious Service Award (P.J.K.) and medal of ‘Commander’ (P.M.P.) by The State of Perak. He has several scientific positions such as, vice chair of World Conference on Exercise Medicine, founder of Exercise Medicine, member of Oxford Academic Union, Utd. Kingdom, as well as, member of European Medical Association, CEO of Asia College of Exercise and Sports Medicine and International Scientific Committee on Exercise Medicine, furthermore, he is founder and CEO of International Symposium on Active Ageing.
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The Hungarian University of Sports Science (HUSS) has a Students’ Scientific Association (TDK), established in the 1950s. Each year the University organizes a conference, where students give oral presentations regarding their research work. The best student presenters enjoy the opportunity to attend the National Student Scientific Conference, where they are always very successful.
Before Covid -19 almost every two years the University organize and hold the International Student Science Conference (ISSC), where internationally well-known scientists, both junior and senior, are invited.
The students with their mentors publish their results in national and international journals. In addition, the doctoral and TDK students are supported in their efforts to visit the research institutions and laboratories of European, North American and Asian higher educational institutions.
We believe in the power and importance of international mobility and foster institutional collaborations that facilitate such exchange opportunities for our students. Our university community takes pride in widespread scientific connections, which make it possible for international students to conduct research in our laboratories.
The University is actively involved in international conferences and academic publications, and many serve as editors or editorial board members of national and international journals.
The HUSS has achieved a great deal in science, while continuously exploring ways of expanding our research portfolio and ensuring that high-quality infrastructural facilities aid our research at all levels.
Key Dates (23:59 CET)
- Abstract submission: 31 January 2024 18 February 2024
- Abstract results notification by: 28 February 2024
- Early bird registration fees (in EUR): before 31 March 2024
- Late registration fees (in EUR) after 1 April but before 14 April 2024
General Information
- Organizer: Hungarian University of Sports Science (HUSS), Budapest, Hungary
- Conference venue: Hungarian University of Sports Science (HUSS), Alkotás u. 42-48., 1123 Budapest, Hungary
- Patrons: Prof. Dr. Tamás Sterbenz, rector and Prof. Dr. Zsolt Radak, vice-rector of Science and Innovation
- Chair: Dr. habil. Zsuzsanna Kneffel, chair of Student Research Society
- Co-Chair: Dr. Szilvia Perényi, associate professor
- Secretary General: Anita Sturm
- Contact:
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Session Topics
- Adapted Physical Education and Sport
- Biomechanics and Kinesiology
- Human Movement Sciences
- Human Performance
- Olympism and Sport History
- Policy at National and International Levels
- Sport and Business
- Sport and Society
- Sports law
- Sport Coaching and Talent Development
- Sport Management
- Sport Psychology
- Sport Physiology
- Teaching and Learning in Physical Education
- Tourism and Recreation
- Training Methods
- Other issues related to sport sciences
Submission guidelines
- Authors are required to submit their abstract online.
- However, submission for plenary sessions for accompanying professors should be submitted via email:
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. - Each participant can present one paper as the lead author, and his or her name can appear on up to two additional papers as second or additional author, but not as the presenter. We encourage early career researchers to submit their own papers.
- Authors should submit their abstracts in English. Please note that no translation services can be offered during the conference. Abstracts should not exceed the respective character count (3000 incuding spaces), and may not contain tables or graphs.
- Abstracts will be reviewed by the members of the Congress Scientific Committee.
- Presenters are encouraged to prepare a Power Point presentation in English in order to present their research content, which also serves a better understanding and facilitates discussion.
- Abstract submission is free of charge. Presenting authors need to register for and should make themselves available for the duration of the conference.
- Registration fees must be paid by 31 March, 2024 at the latest for an author to present at the issc2024 Budapest conference and to ensure the publication of their name and abstract in the Book of Abstracts. All authors agree that their abstracts will be published in the Book of Abstracts and on the website of the conference.
All fees can be paid by bank transfer, proforma invoices will be sent by email within two (2) working days following the registration, and be paid in due the time of payment (early/late registration). If early bird payment would be not paid in due time by March 31, 2024.
Session and presentation formats
Session formats include traditional oral presentations for students, and plenary sessions for professors. For each format, please see specifications below.
Traditional Oral Presentations (for Students)
We aim to operate on a 10/5 schedule (10 min presentation, 5 min discussion) to stimulate a meaningful discussion of papers. Authors are asked to indicate the focus of their submitted paper during the abstract submission process (beside the thematic session that fits to their research). The requirements for the respective abstracts are as follows:
- Research papers: Objectives, Methods, Results/Findings, Discussion, Conclusion
- Submission via provided link on the homepage
Note: In each session, we will be awarding prizes for the best three presentations and an additional one will be acknowledged.
Plenary Session (for accompanying professors)
In these sessions submitting authors should focus on high quality research including latest findings in sport sciences of any session topics listed above. The sessions can include 3-4 presenters for 20 minutes introductions of research, followed by discussion among those presenting and conference attendees who join the plenary session. Submitting authors should introduce the topic for the plenary session and also address the questions why this research is important and timely?
- Abstracts (max. 750 words) are to be submitted by one corresponding author via email:
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. - Abstracts should include information on all presenters and their respective research plans (that are presented within the session).
The deadline to submit your abstract for plenary session is April 2, 2024.
All sessions will take place at the Hungarian University of Sports Science.
Address: 42-48 Alkotás u., Budapest, 1123, Hungary >>>
How to get to the conference location:
- Bus: Lines 139, 140, 140A stop next to the university
- Tram: Line 17 and 61
- Train: The “Déli pályaudvar” (Southern railway station) train station is located 1km away from the venue, it is a 10-15 walk or can be reached by bus and tram. Hungarian railway.
- For more information and tickets, please visit bkk.hu!
The Integrated Laboratory is a renewed service system of the Hungarian University of Sports Science. Regardless of the type of sport and the level of sporting, it has been designed to offer services of high quality to sports clubs and athletes. We carry out complete assessments for athletes at our fully equipped facilities which are a compilation of laboratories operating in a centralised, integrated system.
For more information, please take a look at our brochure:
Here you will find photos of our services offered to sports associations, clubs and athletes: